The Freeschooled Bookwyrm

My kids told me long ago I should use “bookwyrm” instead of “bookworm” in my writings about books. I agreed and only now, years later, have I looked up the meaning of “bookwyrm” which is as follows (we’re hoping this is accurate): The Bookwyrm is an Albanian pygmy dragon used by the Order of the Library of the Neitherlands to send books to their branch in the Underworld.

Well, I’m not wild about the response of some of my readers to that dragon in the underworld part, but I do like the “send books” part, so we’ll go with that. It’s called “gleaning” and I hope my readers are gleaners–willing and able to read, discern, think it over, and take what works as they leave behind what doesn’t. And you can pray for wisdom for me–that’s always good.

Oh, and lest you’re concerned about my children–they all love God and read His word and talk about it more than about bookwyrms. In fact, I am probably the only one in the family now who ever even thinks about bookwyrms.

So, to get to the good part (glean): Simply go to categories and choose The Freeschooled Bookwyrm to fill your book-loving heart with joy.