The Homefront Radio Show Wednesday, December 11 with Bronia Olivas Speaking On Tongues

I have a preliminary intro to Wednesday’s Homefront Show, and I’m sharing it here and now, but making no promises.  Because it seems that more I prepare for and nail down the Show just exactly how I think it should go, the more apt the Holy Spirit is to say, “No, don’t say that, say this.”  The very subject about which I’m most self-satisifed and sure my listeners will LOVE, is the one that at the last minute seems trite, boring and/or irrelevant.

So, again, here’s a possible line-up of the show coming up at 8:00 Mountain time (9:00 Central) Wednesday morning, December 11:

Hello and thank you for joining me today on the Homefront Show, where among many other excellent subjects, we’re going to talk about setting the tone for your home, about doing away with the pie sliver mentality –  we’re going to STOP with the lack thinking.  Enough with not enough! 

Rather than thinking about what we want and need we’re going to think about what we have and what we can share.  It is TIME  to stop sharing our miserliness and our misery (root word miser and it is a godless word), and start being a blessing to ourselves and others as well, especially those living in our houses.  We’re going from Households of Hate (I hate myself and I hate my life) to Households of Faith.  We’ve got some Faith ABC’s – Basics that any and all of us can get, today on the HFS.

But before we do anything else, let me ask this question:  Do I have a listener considering abortion?  I have been dreaming about babies, and about a young woman considering abortion.  So I want to ask this question, and tell you to stay with me – we’re going to talk about this.  And if you have an abortion in your past, and you’re still under that cloud, we’re going to talk about that as well (short, sweet and to the point).  Because there is one way, and one way only, to deal with that kind of cloud, that kind of weight.  So whatever your weight, your regret, your crippling past issue or issues (they seem to travel in packs) whatever. . . have I got a deal for you today on the HFS.

The subject of giving is on the roster as well.  And . . . the Power of Total Immersion.  And . . . Bronia.  Bronia Olivas – isn’t that a lovely name?  It’s for a lovely person, who will be talking about today’s controversial subject, and hopefully take us from controversy to revelation  (Bronia will do her part, you’ll have to choose whether to respond in stubbornness or faith)  – that’s what I call a battle, at least it is for me.

We were created for battle, and we need to wake up in the morning and gear up.  It is absolutely ridiculous for Christians to be worrying about what the devil’s up to. It is downright sin.  So we’re going to talk about the downright sin of worry today, and about the stupidity of disobeying our commanding officer’s commandments!

Opinions are also open for discussion today.  Everyone has an opinion, and very often we find no one is really interested in ours.  We think our opinions are soooo interesting, so important, but I don’t see much in the Bible about the  importance of my opinion.  There is no Book of Beverly.  We especially have opinons about other people.  So, speaking of other people, contact someone who needs a bit of revelation and maybe rerouting for their day, for their thinking, and get them to get with us today on the HFS.

I want to begin the Show with the opinion thing.  I read a devotion about the difference between going to Jesus and going to the telephone with opinions, and you can guess which one gives you the more harmonious, more victorious outcome:


(So there, Dear Potential Blessed Listener, is your list of reasons to tune in to Wednesday, December 11, at 8:00 am Mountain Time.) 

And Thanks!

One More Hour and My Fast Will be Through – Hold on, Hold on!

I’ve never done a 7-day fast before, and I’ll tell why I did so and how I’m coming off the fast the right way, tomorrow on The Homefront Show.

Also, I’m going to talk about having a glad heart, and how you won’t get there with meds per Dr. Caroline Leaf, about Abigail Adams style parenting, Ree Drummond holiday tips, and Mrs. Dunwoody’s Excellent Instructions for Homekeeping.  

John Parker will also be with us tomorrow, so put it on your calendar:  Wednesday morning at 8:00 Mountain, at and thanks!

Just say, “Help!”

My daughter’s meltdown was right smack dab in the middle of mine, and while my stalwart husband was quietly nursing his own wounds over a perplexing disappointment.  But thank God for the woods.

It was there I received a phone call from my child saying she was ready to chuck it all and drive straight home to Colorado.  We talked and prayed through some things and I told her to first of all not make any decisions until after Fall Break (during which she will spend a week camping with beloved family in Oklahoma) and secondly to call her best buddy and ask if she can come over.  Most important of all, we got rid of the poisons due to taking offense, including being offended by a Christian “minister” who insulted homeschoolers (yes, Rebekah was homeschooled) in her presence.  But back to someone much more important – a true friend, and the one I told Rebekah to call.

“I don’t want to bother her, she’s doing a report (or something like that)” was Rebekah’s reply.  “Call her!  She’s called you crying before and you came to her rescue.  She’s also good at rescue.”

So, as Rebekah called her friend I called mine, who has known and loved my daughter all her life.  “Could you just call and encourage her and pray with her?” I asked, knowing it was a done deal, and a good deal.

There’s lots more to this story, like how God showed off the very next day for Rebekah and with one blessing after another throughout the day.  I’m talking BIG stuff and REAL breakthroughs, and beautiful blessings.  Isn’t that so often the way when we think we can’t take any more – victory is around the very next corner!

I pondered how often we don’t ask for help when we really need it, when we really should ask for it, and how we do ask for help when we really don’t need it.  And when I talked it over with my brother, Cal, he said this:  “It’s an honor to be asked for help.”  

So, let’s not be always pulling ourselves up by our bootstraps, and let’s know that it’s OK to ask for help.  Rebekah told me she didn’t like to call me when she was lonesome and upset, because she knew it would be hard for me to hear her cry.  “I didn’t want to put that on you,” she told me.  But she said that she’d learned her lesson, and wouldn’t be doing that any more.

Praise God!  How I HATE the thought that she would cry alone, all alone, so far from home.

I know God must feel the same way when we don’t come to Him with our troubles, and unburden our hearts to Him.

Thanks for listening,


P.S.  Speaking of asking for help, I haven’t posted recently because I have been trying and trying and really trying to figure out how to get back on this website – couldn’t sign in, and coudln’t figure out the problem.  Finally, I got my husband involved, and I’m happy to say he couldn’t figure it out for a good while, either.  But he did, and I’m posting again!

I have pictures to share very soon – some new decorating I’ve done.  I’m inordinately pleased with the outcome, especially as it cost almost nothing – there was great use of what was right under my nose!

P.P.S.  Catch John and me, along with Crystal Lyons ( tomorrow, Wednesday the 9th of October, at 8:00 am Mountain Time.  

We’ll be on  

What is it About Steak?, What are Dippies?,and Other Good Questions

Hallelujah!  That was what I wanted to burst into song with after last week’s Homefront Show.  Not because the show was over, but because we had steak for breakfast.  I’m going to talk about that during the show tomorrow (Wednesday the 27th) – about basic, timeless good things, such as breakfast, and steak, and conversation during breakfast while eating steak.  You think steak is for rich people.  Think again.  I’m going to talk about how expensive that kind of thinking really is.

We’ll consider the expense of a poverty mentality.  And we’ll look at Gary Keesee’s 10 Steps to Posture Yourself for Opportunity, and share insights from Tommy Newberry’s 40 Days to a Joy-Filled Life, and excellent thoughts from two excellent men – John Parker and John Dunlap.

So, if you know anyone who could use a bit of excellence, good ideas, joy, and other good stuff, call them now and tell them to join us on the Home Front Show (Wednesday, March 27 at 8:00 AM Mountain), on where we’ll also talk about the organization Transform Our World, and the joy  of transforming our world.

Joy.  Did you know joy doesn’t mix with fear.  Fear is the devil’s currency, and you can’t buy a single good thing with it.  In her book Time Alive, Alexandra Stoddard has a chapter entitled  JOY ACCOMPANIES A COURAGEOUS LIFE, and the title is followed by this Winston Churchill quote:  “Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities . . . It is the quality which guarantees all others.”

Fear, as I said, is the devil’s currency.  Fear is what causes people to succumb to evil without even knowing it.  It makes people irrational so that they behave in ways at odds with their actual beliefs.  Fear makes us unsound of mind, and knocks the hero right out of us.

I like to talk about hero moms on the Homefront Show, and one of those was my grandmother, “Grannimother”, who did her laundry in Mountain Fork River near Hochatown, Oklahoma.  I remember not only what God has done for me in days past, but what my ancestors have done for me, what all our ancestors have done for us in building this country, in things large such as coast to coast railroads and highways, and in things a bit smaller such as running water and washing machines.

It may have been recalling bathing in the river as Grannimother did the wash that prompted my dad’s response to a group of women complaining about keeping up with the laundry.  He grinned and said, “Yeah, it sure is hard pouring in that soup and pushing those buttons.”

I remember one of my favorite things ever was Grannimother peeling her garden-scorched, best-in-the-entire-world tomatoes, and slicing big thick slices to share with me.  Just tomatoes and salt.  Who could ask for more?

That’s wealth, and it’s not expensive.  Here’s what’s expensive:  Putting a sugar/processed grain death concoction in front of your family every single day, as a way to start their day.

Then maybe it’s hot dogs for lunch.  “That just blows my mind” was John’s response the other day when he asked me if I wanted steak or chili dogs I said, “Steak is better and steak is cheaper.”

We bought round steak at Ridley’s in Wellington for $2.99 a pound (hot dogs were considerably more), marinated it  for three days, then grilled it after the show last Wednesday morning.  Oh, my goodness, was it wonderful!  I gently fried eggs (dippies) and made Dave’s Killer Bread toast and  pot of tea to go along with it.

Of course you can add all sorts of things to this:  I really like to saute spinach with garlic and mushrooms for breakfast, and I’m a big believer in homemade applesauce, or just a can of peaches (always get them in juice, not syrup) with cinnamon.

Now back to dippies:  The point of dippies is the runny yolk so you can dip your bread into it and say “Yum” right after you sing Hallelujah over the steak.

So, let’s talk about that.  What is it, in fact, about steak?  We actually asked each other that question last Wednesday.  “What is it about steak?”  I suggested the B vitamin found only in red meat.  Seth suggested we should eat it in honor of our ancestors, who might not have had as much of it as they wanted.  Wealth being measured not by goats or pigs or tofu, but by the cattle on a thousand hills was mentioned.  And then there was the crux of the matter in Seth’s question:  What is better than steak?  We couldn’t think of anything.  There is a delicious sense of well-being experienced in the first bite of a juicy steak, and in every subsequent bite as well, especially if it’s been a bit since you’ve had beef.

I say the whole anti-meat thing is from Hell.  Ever since the campaign against red meat and the assertion that it causes heart disease, heart disease has been on the rise.  Hmm.  It’s just another example of the dangers of being one of the crowd, of fitting in, going along, keeping your head down and your mind docile – doing the socially acceptable thing.  But here’s the big problem Satan and all his deceived have, in particular about meat.  It’s really hard to convince people something so good is so bad.

We once worked with several young women who were vegetarians, vegans, and other variations of labels which in many cases were simply sad attempts at that “defining sense of self”.  And then one day we invited some of them over for steaks – “that’s what we’re having, you’re welcome if you want to come” was the casual group invite.  Three of them came over and they practically inhaled those steaks.  I’ve never seen anything quite like it.

Well, you may think this is much ado about nothing, or very close to nothing, but I’m after a larger picture.  I’m after our taking a look at the gifts of God and participating.

And lest you’ve been victimized by that “can’t eat it if it has a face” let me help you with that.  I was raised on a farm and I can tell you there are no retirement facilities for cows, there are no nursing homes for deer.  If man does not obey God’s directive to steward the earth, animals such as cows and game will overpopulate and die of starvation and disease.  Failing that, they will die miserably of old age.  You are being singularly unkind when you suggest no one should eat meat.  Most of all to your own self.

Meat makes people strong.  In days of old meat was only for royalty, and starving peasants were shot or publicly strung up for poaching so much as a rabbit to feed their children.  It was no secret that when people are well fed, particularly on meat, they become very difficult to control.

Well, things are better in that regard, and yet we return to a peasant’s mentality when we say we don’t want meat.  It is a weakling mentality.  We are royalty and we need to act like it, and eat like it.

Royalty – we’re going to have royalty on the show tomorrow, so if you haven’t already done so, give that someone you’re thinking of a call.  Reach out, be brave.  You can do it – just act like you had steak for breakfast.

Thanks for joining me, and if you’re out of the 1360 listening area, you can go to the website –

Thanks again.

Let the Good Times Roll and Other Good Ideas on The Homefront Show

Tomorrow, that’s Wednesday, March 20 at 8:00 AM Mountain Time, you can join me on The Homefront Show for “Adventures for Life in Interesting Times.”

If you’re not in the KHNC 1360 AM listening area, find us online at

Notice I did not say, “How to Survive in Dire Straits” or “Hide so the Devil Can’t Get You!”


That’s because, Dear Reader/Listener, it’s Party Time.  It’s true.  Anyone can have a party when things are fun and fine.  It’s like loving the lovely.  Anyone can do that.  But it’s a kick in the devil’s pants to have a big celebration when he turns up the heat and turns down the lights.

So, we’re not talking simply lighting a candle vs. cursing the darkness.  We’re talking lighting bonfires and shooting off fireworks.

Join me and call anyone who needs a lift – Wednesday morning at 8:00 Mountain Time on 1360 am, KHNC radio.

I’ll be quoting Mylon LeFevre on loving and giving, Catherine Marshall on speaking in tongues, and talking about interesting stuff going down in Oklahoma, like an improperly socialized homeschooler making BIG waves in the state government and in his own denomination (I must say here that I do not believe there is anything proper about “socialization” or its consequence, socialism).

I’ll be sharing from great books such as The Founder’s Bible (If Ever There was a Time, it is Now), Letters from a Woman Homesteader, and Erin and Ben Napier’s Make Something Good Today.  And . . . there’s more, much more, so again, join in!

Thanks so much,



Bodacious Faith, Roma Downey, Emilie Barnes, Laura Calder, Abigail Adams and More! Friday at 2:00 on The Homefront Show

If you’re like me, sometimes you need a little extra strength.   And a little, no, make that a lot more love.  A little faith, no a lot more faith.  There’s a song about having “a little faith” and it sounds all pious but it’s not.  God is not the god of just a little bit.  No more than we want our kids to sniff the spinach bowl and disdain the roast beef rather than enjoy the entire meal – no more than that does God want us to take just a little bit.

In the secular college where I studied economics, we were taught scarcity of resources, just as Satan intends we all be taught. Rather than being taught to simply create more pie, we are taught about that one measly pie.  By people of greed and lack we are taught greed and lack.  We have limited, scarcity, I’d-better-not-expect-too-much, if-I-prosper-that means-someone-else-can’t (but too bad for them), mentalities.

But God wants to give us all the good and then embellish it! He wants to give us the truck farm of spinach and serve up helpings of it along with the steak from our cattle on a thousand hills and finish it off with key lime pie shared with the neighbors under twinkle lights on our big decks built out over the water.

Livnig water. My nephew’s son has had an intestinal issue lately and they think it may be too much swimming in the river, which is low right now, stagnant.  Folks, we are all putting up with low water, swimming in stagnant water, and completely doing without the readily available living water of Jesus.

We think in lack. Even those of us with money in the bank think in lack.  Always in a defensive, “yeah but, what if” mentality.  And almost guaranteeing that the lack will come (we say what we believe and we have what we say, we get what we expect), and  even if it doesn’t come, we never enjoy what we have and where we are.

So, we need faith. I’m going to talk a little, but say a lot, about faith today, bodacious faith.  And we’ll see how so many things flow out of faith, and flow into faith.  We’ll see a cycle of faith.

So call anyone you know who struggles with doubt, who frets and worries, who has anxiety lines right between her eyes (anyone who is a human, especially a human female) and tell them: is the place to go, for The Homefront Show.

Also today we’ll talk about the power of posture and poise, about the Inviting Life,`Housekeeping Howevers, baking pineapple for brunch, about being a COI per Krista Dunlap, and from The Founder’s Bible we’ll see how two of our founding parents had great expectations for their children.  I’ll feature Roma Downey’s book, Box of Butterflies, and Emilie Barnes’ Tea Lover’s Devotional.  And we’ll begin today’s show with beauty AND PERHAPS A CORRECTION, from Psalm 19:12.

All this and more today at 2:00 Mountain Time at

Dastardly Distraction, Good and Bad Addictions, Bodacious Faith, Alfie Evans, John Parker, and More on The Homefront Show!

John and I are going to tell it like it is, especially as regards “education” today on the Homefront Show.  I’ll discuss Nancy Flory’s assertion:  “Alfie Evans Must Die So the Nanny State Can Live” and on a much lighter note have some practical Home Ec ideas.

Faith for such a time as this – Bodacious Faith – will also be explored today at 2:00 Mountain Time, and we’ll see what the estimated 10,000 Brand Messages we receive daily are doing to our lives, our brains, our relationships, and more.

As Dr. Carol says, “What captures our attention captures us” (  We’ll find out just exactly what to do to live fuller, freer lives, as did the 10 famous folks from history we’ll hear from regarding education.

As always I’ll be showcasing great quotes from great books, and in general, just being awesomely helpful, especially when my informed, intelligent, impassioned special guest comes on (John Parker).

So join in and call a friend and remember this:

is the place to go

for The Homefront Show!

Friday at 2:00 Mountain Time

Is this year, this spring, going to be different?

The following is some of the material from today’s Homefront Show radio broadcast.  To listen in, simply go to and enjoy1

When I lived in the south fall was my favorite season – the end of the heat! But now it’s spring and for some reason, I am more excited about spring than ever before in my life.  It’s not because of the end of the cold, in fact I am wanting that to last a little longer.  It’s something more.  Partly, at least, I think it’s because god is doing a new thing, teaching an old dog new tricks, renewing my mind as never before.  Because It’s time for ACT II.

This morning, as usual before every show (Homefront Show Coming up at 2:00!), John was praying for me, for the show and everyone listening.  He said something about people out there in need of a victory for the home team, and that struck a chord in my heart.  So I asked him if he would actually come on and pray on the air today.  And even though he wasn’t keen on the idea at first, he later agreed.  So we have that to look forward to.

I believe in faithfulness and loyalty and tradition and dependability. I believe in antiques and antique people.  And what makes those things special is when they are a part of  the new thing, the adventure.  For instance, in the trip we’re leaving on tomorrow – it’s a new thing trip to see some loyal, faithful, dependable, traditional people, some of them very young antiques.  I’ll talk more about that in today’s broadcast.

It’s springtime – we actually in Red Feather Lakes are about to have two days in a row without snow! Springtime.  Spring cleaning, new beginnings, opening windows and airing out the house, seeking that first fresh and locally grown produce, breathing deeply and being reminded of God’s faithfulness – that Spring always comes.

And I am remembering that I enjoy what I consider “good” poetry in the Spring.. For me good poetry reminds me of God’s beauty, grandeur, goodness, and love.  Words of loveliness, like in  Robert Frost’s Stopping by Woods, my all-time favorite poem – but it’s about winter.  For a spring poem to share on today’s show, I found one about dancing mountains by E.E. Cummings.  I think is the very thing, and I hope you enjoy it.

To enjoy the poem, as well as thoughts about the dining room table, Clint Eastwood’s movie about an averted terrorist attack starring the actual players in the true story, some home ec tips you may have forgotten or never knew, and much more, join me today at and thanks!