What is it About Steak?, What are Dippies?,and Other Good Questions

Hallelujah!  That was what I wanted to burst into song with after last week’s Homefront Show.  Not because the show was over, but because we had steak for breakfast.  I’m going to talk about that during the show tomorrow (Wednesday the 27th) – about basic, timeless good things, such as breakfast, and steak, and conversation during breakfast while eating steak.  You think steak is for rich people.  Think again.  I’m going to talk about how expensive that kind of thinking really is.

We’ll consider the expense of a poverty mentality.  And we’ll look at Gary Keesee’s 10 Steps to Posture Yourself for Opportunity, and share insights from Tommy Newberry’s 40 Days to a Joy-Filled Life, and excellent thoughts from two excellent men – John Parker and John Dunlap.

So, if you know anyone who could use a bit of excellence, good ideas, joy, and other good stuff, call them now and tell them to join us on the Home Front Show (Wednesday, March 27 at 8:00 AM Mountain), on http://1360khnc.com where we’ll also talk about the organization Transform Our World, and the joy  of transforming our world.

Joy.  Did you know joy doesn’t mix with fear.  Fear is the devil’s currency, and you can’t buy a single good thing with it.  In her book Time Alive, Alexandra Stoddard has a chapter entitled  JOY ACCOMPANIES A COURAGEOUS LIFE, and the title is followed by this Winston Churchill quote:  “Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities . . . It is the quality which guarantees all others.”

Fear, as I said, is the devil’s currency.  Fear is what causes people to succumb to evil without even knowing it.  It makes people irrational so that they behave in ways at odds with their actual beliefs.  Fear makes us unsound of mind, and knocks the hero right out of us.

I like to talk about hero moms on the Homefront Show, and one of those was my grandmother, “Grannimother”, who did her laundry in Mountain Fork River near Hochatown, Oklahoma.  I remember not only what God has done for me in days past, but what my ancestors have done for me, what all our ancestors have done for us in building this country, in things large such as coast to coast railroads and highways, and in things a bit smaller such as running water and washing machines.

It may have been recalling bathing in the river as Grannimother did the wash that prompted my dad’s response to a group of women complaining about keeping up with the laundry.  He grinned and said, “Yeah, it sure is hard pouring in that soup and pushing those buttons.”

I remember one of my favorite things ever was Grannimother peeling her garden-scorched, best-in-the-entire-world tomatoes, and slicing big thick slices to share with me.  Just tomatoes and salt.  Who could ask for more?

That’s wealth, and it’s not expensive.  Here’s what’s expensive:  Putting a sugar/processed grain death concoction in front of your family every single day, as a way to start their day.

Then maybe it’s hot dogs for lunch.  “That just blows my mind” was John’s response the other day when he asked me if I wanted steak or chili dogs I said, “Steak is better and steak is cheaper.”

We bought round steak at Ridley’s in Wellington for $2.99 a pound (hot dogs were considerably more), marinated it  for three days, then grilled it after the show last Wednesday morning.  Oh, my goodness, was it wonderful!  I gently fried eggs (dippies) and made Dave’s Killer Bread toast and  pot of tea to go along with it.

Of course you can add all sorts of things to this:  I really like to saute spinach with garlic and mushrooms for breakfast, and I’m a big believer in homemade applesauce, or just a can of peaches (always get them in juice, not syrup) with cinnamon.

Now back to dippies:  The point of dippies is the runny yolk so you can dip your bread into it and say “Yum” right after you sing Hallelujah over the steak.

So, let’s talk about that.  What is it, in fact, about steak?  We actually asked each other that question last Wednesday.  “What is it about steak?”  I suggested the B vitamin found only in red meat.  Seth suggested we should eat it in honor of our ancestors, who might not have had as much of it as they wanted.  Wealth being measured not by goats or pigs or tofu, but by the cattle on a thousand hills was mentioned.  And then there was the crux of the matter in Seth’s question:  What is better than steak?  We couldn’t think of anything.  There is a delicious sense of well-being experienced in the first bite of a juicy steak, and in every subsequent bite as well, especially if it’s been a bit since you’ve had beef.

I say the whole anti-meat thing is from Hell.  Ever since the campaign against red meat and the assertion that it causes heart disease, heart disease has been on the rise.  Hmm.  It’s just another example of the dangers of being one of the crowd, of fitting in, going along, keeping your head down and your mind docile – doing the socially acceptable thing.  But here’s the big problem Satan and all his deceived have, in particular about meat.  It’s really hard to convince people something so good is so bad.

We once worked with several young women who were vegetarians, vegans, and other variations of labels which in many cases were simply sad attempts at that “defining sense of self”.  And then one day we invited some of them over for steaks – “that’s what we’re having, you’re welcome if you want to come” was the casual group invite.  Three of them came over and they practically inhaled those steaks.  I’ve never seen anything quite like it.

Well, you may think this is much ado about nothing, or very close to nothing, but I’m after a larger picture.  I’m after our taking a look at the gifts of God and participating.

And lest you’ve been victimized by that “can’t eat it if it has a face” let me help you with that.  I was raised on a farm and I can tell you there are no retirement facilities for cows, there are no nursing homes for deer.  If man does not obey God’s directive to steward the earth, animals such as cows and game will overpopulate and die of starvation and disease.  Failing that, they will die miserably of old age.  You are being singularly unkind when you suggest no one should eat meat.  Most of all to your own self.

Meat makes people strong.  In days of old meat was only for royalty, and starving peasants were shot or publicly strung up for poaching so much as a rabbit to feed their children.  It was no secret that when people are well fed, particularly on meat, they become very difficult to control.

Well, things are better in that regard, and yet we return to a peasant’s mentality when we say we don’t want meat.  It is a weakling mentality.  We are royalty and we need to act like it, and eat like it.

Royalty – we’re going to have royalty on the show tomorrow, so if you haven’t already done so, give that someone you’re thinking of a call.  Reach out, be brave.  You can do it – just act like you had steak for breakfast.

Thanks for joining me, and if you’re out of the 1360 listening area, you can go to the website – http://1360khnc.com

Thanks again.

3 Steps, 7 Keys, The Big How-to’s Which Work! Dr. Carol Tanksley Tomorrow!


I am positively thrilled to share what’s coming up tomorrow morning, Feb 6, at 8:00 am (9:00 Central) on the Homefront Show. I know my guest knows her stuff, and will bless us all.

Dr. Carol Tanksley (www.drcarolministries.com) will be with me for the ENTIRE HOUR!!! tomorrow morning.

Yes, the Homefront Show time is changing from Fridays to Wednesdays.  Wednesday morning at 8:00 am is the new time, and for the first morning show I have asked Dr. Carol to share and she said, “Yes!”

A very gracious lady is the good doctor, and she’s going lift our hearts, and give us answers and directions straight from the Holy Spirit.  It’s what she does.

Join us if you will:  Wednesday, February 6 at 8:00 am Mountain Time.




John Parker Today at 2:00 on The Home Front Show!

I have experienced and do believe in Miracles, and that’s one of the many things slated for today’s Home Front Show.  Until . . . I talked to John and realized he has something that has to come first.

So, join us in just a few minutes for BLESSINGS!

Friday at 2:00 to 1360 am, Johnstown, Colorado, or go to the link below:



Is this year, this spring, going to be different?

The following is some of the material from today’s Homefront Show radio broadcast.  To listen in, simply go to http://www.1360am.co and enjoy1

When I lived in the south fall was my favorite season – the end of the heat! But now it’s spring and for some reason, I am more excited about spring than ever before in my life.  It’s not because of the end of the cold, in fact I am wanting that to last a little longer.  It’s something more.  Partly, at least, I think it’s because god is doing a new thing, teaching an old dog new tricks, renewing my mind as never before.  Because It’s time for ACT II.

This morning, as usual before every show (Homefront Show Coming up at 2:00!), John was praying for me, for the show and everyone listening.  He said something about people out there in need of a victory for the home team, and that struck a chord in my heart.  So I asked him if he would actually come on and pray on the air today.  And even though he wasn’t keen on the idea at first, he later agreed.  So we have that to look forward to.

I believe in faithfulness and loyalty and tradition and dependability. I believe in antiques and antique people.  And what makes those things special is when they are a part of  the new thing, the adventure.  For instance, in the trip we’re leaving on tomorrow – it’s a new thing trip to see some loyal, faithful, dependable, traditional people, some of them very young antiques.  I’ll talk more about that in today’s broadcast.

It’s springtime – we actually in Red Feather Lakes are about to have two days in a row without snow! Springtime.  Spring cleaning, new beginnings, opening windows and airing out the house, seeking that first fresh and locally grown produce, breathing deeply and being reminded of God’s faithfulness – that Spring always comes.

And I am remembering that I enjoy what I consider “good” poetry in the Spring.. For me good poetry reminds me of God’s beauty, grandeur, goodness, and love.  Words of loveliness, like in  Robert Frost’s Stopping by Woods, my all-time favorite poem – but it’s about winter.  For a spring poem to share on today’s show, I found one about dancing mountains by E.E. Cummings.  I think is the very thing, and I hope you enjoy it.

To enjoy the poem, as well as thoughts about the dining room table, Clint Eastwood’s movie about an averted terrorist attack starring the actual players in the true story, some home ec tips you may have forgotten or never knew, and much more, join me today at http://www.1360am.co and thanks!

Formative Years and Transformative Years

It’s Springtime in the Rockies and I have never been more excited than I am about Spring, 2018.  It’s been clean up, declutter, and cleanse time, and I don’t just mean closets and cupboards.


God is at work in my heart and it’s astounding and marvelous.  Just as the water turkeys, ducks and geese on the almost-thawed local lakes are going ahead with their visiting, fishing, and welcoming Spring before it’s quite upon us, I too am welcoming, ready for Spring.  I am ready for newness, growth, surprises, adventure – transformation.

At the ripe young age of almost 60 (I love being older each year!) I have learned to embrace and give thanks for those things from my formative years which have stood me in good stead.  And I am learning that each year I live is more a transformative year than was the year before.

But there is something in the air, something special about 2018.  I believe the Love (God’s Agape) more than ever before and the Love is changing my heart, cleansing and decluttering my mind, transforming me.

It is, as I told my husband, John, as though God has me out in a river on a raft without sides or oars and He is taking me I know not where.  I only know that it is somewhere good.  And the price of the raft ticket was faith working through Love.

Transformation, cleansing, peace.  The Bible says He put eternity in our hearts, and like so many of  His marvelous mysteries, I don’t fully comprehend and understand this statement, and yet, how it speaks to me.

How He speaks to me – patiently, tirelessly, lovingly.  Come along with me and be transformed.  Faithless to fearless, touchy to tender, defensive to delighted, whiny to winner, grouchy to glad.

“Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.”  Thank you, Dearest Lord, for renewal, for transformation.  Amen.

P.S.  I’ll be going more deeply into transformation and ever so much more (like surviving church!) tomorrow, Friday the 23rd, at 2:00 MTN on http://www.1360am.co so please join in and call a friend.  Thanks!

A Sense of Humor, Death to Life, and Tricky Pastor’s Wives on The Home Front Show at 2:00!

So much ado about nothing with Joy Behar.  If Christians would choose to love an pray for people, and REFUSE, FLAT OUT REFUSE to be offended, and therefore DEFEATED by comments we simply don’t have time for, God might be able to get some things done, things like dominion.

We are called to take dominion over everything, including things that “creepeth”.  Pastor Bill Winston jokes that we have dominion over creeps.  We are not called to get distracted and disgusted by people who just don’ t know any different.

We are called to be as great and lovely ladies on white steeds watching over and gracing our given domains (personal domains demand dominion).  We are called to know who we are – Queens of our Realms – and that Queens have Divine Right of Dominion  (See Proverbs 31).

We don’t take dominion with our opinions.  We take dominion with love  And there’s this characteristic of Christians who walk in love – they’re funny, and they laugh at the funnies of others, even the ridiculousness of others.

To take dominion of the world must include having the attention of the world, having something they want.  They don’t want or need any more offense or strife.  But joy, laughter, light-heartedness – those make an impression.  Those open ears and eyes.  And hearts.

Dominion involves reaching hearts for Jesus, with the Love of Jesus.  So, if our hearts are full of disgust and disdain and disagreement with and for those who don’t know Him, and can therefore not possibly act like Him, the only dominion being taken is by Satan Himself.


We can go from death (best friends with unforgivness and taking offense) to Life (walks hand in hand with Love) by CHOOSING to obey God, CHOOSING to accept the freedom from slavery (unforgiveness and taking offense are slavery) Jesus bought on the Cross.

That’s the bottom line.


My sister-in-law is a pastor’s wife (yep, my brother is a pastor) who has this tricky thing she does to deal with all the nastiness Satan sends her way – he has special emissaries for pastor’s wives.  She laughs.  Lots.  And often at herself.

One of the things I love most about the church we (John, me, kids) attend is our pastor’s wife.  She’s another tricky one – she tricks Satan all the time by seeing the humor in everything.  She is funny and fun, and she gets a real kick out of life.  That mindset turns Satan’s little schemes upside down.

So, I say rather than being the tricked, we become the tricky!



P.S.  Join John and me today , Friday the 19th of March on The Home Front Show at 2:00 Mountain Time.  Go to 1360am.co and be inspired and uplifted and BLESSED!


Jacques Lusseyran, Excuses to Action, Skilled Listening and More Today on the Homefront Show

In less than an hour (2:00 Mountain Time Friday the 23rd) you can turn your excuses to action with inspiration and practical information from Jacques Lusseyran, a 16-year-old, blind French boy who lived and moved and changed the world during Nazi occupation of France.  Go to http://www.1360am.co

Also today on the Homefront Show I’ll be sharing the healthiest food in the world, and the healthiest thing you can do, as well as putting us all on track with making a man feel loved via wisdom from Bob Barnes (Mr. Emilie Barnes).

We’ll talk about skilled listening and what NOT to talk about, as well as hallowing the moments of our lives via quality thinking and doing, rather than cramming every single moment with every single activity we can possibly manage.

And as always on The Homefront Show, more.  Much more!

Thanks for joining me.  That’s 2:00 Mountain Time today, Friday the 23rd.  Simply go to:  http://www.1360am.co and enjoy!


Crossing the Bridge from Victim to Victor . . . and 2:00 MTN Friday at www.1360am.co!

The following was taken from an article by Jason Jones & John Zmirak in The Stream (stream.org).

You Might Be a Victimist If …

  • You’re outraged about statues of dead Confederates … but cool with countries “eradicating” Down Syndrome via abortion.
  • You denounce the anti-Semitism of the Alt-Right … but shrug at the vicious Jew-hatred of “anti-Zionist” activists.
  • Your eyes tear up over sea turtles … but you don’t follow the fate of Christians and Yezidis persecuted in the Middle East.
  • You object to images of Columbus … but are fine with Che Guevara t-shirts.
  • You congratulate yourself for “standing up” for immigrants … but don’t care enough to save migrants from being exploited by human traffickers and sweatshop owners.
  • You scoff at older people, less educated, or poorer people for outdated prejudices … but don’t worry about your own prejudice toward them.
  • You feel deep empathy with “transgender” millionaires on the cover of Vanity Fair … but don’t care about Christian florists or bakers facing bankruptcy and prison for obeying their consciences.
  • You fantasize about socialist utopias … but never think about moving to one (i.e. Venezuela or Cuba).
  • You virtue-signal on issues that impose zero cost on you personally … but avoid those where you have “skin in the game” and might pay a price or offend cool, rich, or influential people.

We could go on all day, all week, all year … but you get the point.


Now for Bev’s thoughts:  Do you get the point?  If the malady of Victimism afflicts your thinking, today’s Homefront Show will help!  Tune in at 2:00 Mountain Time to http://www.1360am.co and go from victim to victor!

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Fruit or Fruity, and, The Gift of “No”

My children are astounded.  Now that they’re adults I’ve tasted the forbidden fruit, and asked them to join me.  Horrors.  They’re called “toaster pastries” by Nature’s Path, but my kids know the truth:  Mom bought poptarts!

I have taught them my disdain for passing off sugar as breakfast, and why wouldn’t they be converts?  While their peers are eating Lucky Charms and Count Chocula, and even Poptarts, they partake of steel cut oats (with blueberries, pecans, honey and cream) eggs, meat (organic and often from the woods) homemade biscuits and scones, hot tea, and usually more, such as potatoes, sliced tomatoes, pinto beans, applesauce, peach crisp, pumpkin waffles with nuts and REAL maple syrup, popovers running over with butter and apple butter, pineapple breakfast bread, and some days even brownies for “appetizers”.

Yesterday we had “toaster pastries” as an early morning appetizer with our coffee.  They were cherry pomegranate (who could resist?), USDA organic, non-GMO, fair trade, and in a lovely package.  And disappointing.  I wanted them to (ahem) taste just like Poptarts.

But this morning I was not disappointed.  Rather than an adulterated fruity thingy, I simply am having the real deal.  After a few bites, my enlightened self had to share this:  REAL IS REAL AND FAKE IS FAKE.  CHOOSE REAL!

I think this is another one of “Need I say more?” instances.  Still, I must continue and tell you that fruity pastries and the like weaken the immune system, even as fruit strengthens the immune system.  Letting kids decide what they want to eat is a shirking of responsibility.  So, give them the gift of “No” to harmful “foods” and the gift of your example in eating fruit, just as nature made it.

Tell them one of the things you love about pomegranates is that each little seed, even the ones deeply buried and hard to extract, is like a jewel.  It’s like eating jewels and it makes the body sing!  Not so, manmade fruity fakes.  OK, I’m done.

WAIT!  AGAIN, I NEED TO SAY MORE!  AND THAT IS THIS:  http://www.1360am.co at 2:00 PM Mountain Time, Friday afternoon.  THE HOMEFRONT SHOW, Today, January 12!