God-Blamers, Patronizing Christians and Other Party Poopers

I was having a lovely quiet time at home this morning, as my dear husband was quite ill. After a couple of days in bed, he decided to join me, asking me to read aloud from the Bible whatever I was reading. As it was Proverbs 31 (today is the 31st and I try to read P31 on the 31st) I changed it up a bit, figuring he’d rather hear something else. He was soon asleep and I decided to head on to church, even though it would be half over when I got there.

And the fun began. Well, it was fun at first as the sermon was anointed unto marvelousness. But when it was over the lady behind me hugged me and said she was “proud” of me for coming to church, and that she knows sometimes it’s tempting to stay home, etc. Believe it or not, oh Jesus-misunderstander, I am never “tempted” to miss church. I simply take it week by week in prayer. ”Am I to go, Father?” I ask. And within moments I know. 

Funnily, on the times when I feel I am to worship at home, it will turn out that the super-anointed, wise and beautifully gifted pastor wasn’t preaching that day, and in fact was actually sleeping during the sermon given by someone else. I will learn that the music was dull as dishwater and that the announcements went on unto doomsday. ”Thank You, Holy Spirit.”

So. Well, that little assumption that I need to be told I done good came from a source I can often rely on to talk to me as though I’m a grade school child: a teacher. Let us all beware of thinking everyone else is as unenlightened, dumb as a post, and undisciplined as a school child.

And so much more so, let us all beware of people who have, because of JUNK taught in Sunday School, and churches everywhere evidently, that God is a twisted monster. ”Why does God let babies (or “cause babies to” some actually say) be born without arms and legs? Why does God do this horror or that horror? ”Thalidamide,” I suggested (not from God, but from doctors who think they’re God perhaps?). I added, “The thief who comes to steal, kill and destroy as in John 10:10!” 

The pastor’s wife chimed in, “We live in a fallen world.” Whooosshh! Right over the God-blamer’s head that went, as she continued in the same vein.

It is so grieving and eventually so upsetting/angering that we just have to speak up. Christians have been Satan’s mouthpieces for long enough. Let us all beware, and let us not be IGNORANT of the Word of God. And the next time someone blames God for evil, let us be His champion, religious lies be damned. 

The Word says He turns what the enemy intends for evil, to good for those who love Him. Yes, we have an enemy and God aint it. And no, if you deep down believe God is your enemy, you can’t truly love Him. You can only fear Him, and think maybe if you show up to church every time the doors are open you’ll escape his wrath. Maybe.

As Christians we are not heathens trying to appease an angry God. In Him (that means in faith, not fear and ignorance of Him) we are more than conquerors. He said so. Of course, if you’d rather take the word of some over-educated “theologian” over the Word of your Creator, you really shouldn’t be that surprised when things don’t go well.

So, here’s me giving you permission: If you’re getting this kind of nonsense in church, do stay home and read a book, or eat chocolates, or take a walk and sing a song. And have a little talk with Jesus, just the two of you, no “teachers” necessary.

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